Physical Paintings

Oh, you unzipped me! (for Frank Reynolds)

Acrylic on canvas, 2023

‘Walkin’ with my back to the sun, keep my head to the sky’ diptych

Acrylic and paper maps on canvas, 2023

Title credit thanks to Denzel Curry's "Walkin"

I'll show you mine if you show me yours

acrylic on canvas, 2023

Thinking about that one time

acrylic and paper on canvas, 2023

Snuggled up

acrylic on vintage print and frame, 2023

Ocular patdown

acrylic on canvas, 2022

I draw a lot of my imagery from old photographs of places and people, some of which I've known and loved- others I have no connection to.

I love creating depth within my work-

sometimes it's an illusion, sometimes I have layers that physically overlap and shape the air around it. 

The juxtaposition of old and new very frequently pops up in my work- I'll take compositions from masterful renaissance works and inject current issues into them. I've used this method of storytelling to rework our perception of news in today's fast paced world. Gun violence is an ongoing monstrosity here in America- a fate we seem never to outrun. These paintings (left & below) are from my senior thesis body of work in 2017-2018.